Friday, October 26, 2012

Parent Teachers

It is so weird to think that my baby girl is now in Kindergarten.  Where did all the time go?  Isn't it funny how time seems to move to slow but when you look back on it you have to wonder where it all went.  Brylie loves Kindergarten, she is actaully in a transititional Kindergarten because of her being behind due to her Arnold Chiari.  TK (transititional kindergarten) is the best thing for her.  In the 3 months she has been in there she has came such a long way from where she was.
Last night we had our first Parent Teacher conference of the school year.  I was excited to go and hear how Brylie is doing and what we can improve on.  I love Brylies' teacher Mrs. Thomas she is so wonderful and you can see that she truly loves the children in her class.  Mrs. Thomas had lots to say about Brylie like she is doing so great and has come a long ways in a few short months. She also told us although Brylie is doing well she can't tell us where she will go next year, if she will go to regular kindergarten or be put in a special program.  This as a mom was hard for me to hear.  As a mom you want the best for your child. You want them to grow up with out any bullies bothering them, without the fear they are different and see that as a bad thing and you want them to have a perfect life. When I heard this it scared me will there be kids who make fun of her for being in a special class, will she be sad to not be with the other kids who are in regular classes?  After the meeting with her teacher we took her down to the book fair at her school and let her pick out a few books she wanted.  We ended up with Llama Llama Christmas Drama, Silverlicous, and Dream Big Little Pig.

I pondered what her teacher had told us for such a long time.  We ate and it was on my mind, we watched TV and it was still on my mind I finally took a bath to relax and unwind and it still lingered on my mind.  Then came my favorite time of night when I curl up in bed with Brylie and we read our nighttime book.  We picked one of our new books Dream Big Little Pig.  I think it was just the book I needed to read.  The moral of the story is it doesn't matter what others say you can't do or shouldn't do, you do what makes you happy and you will succeed.  After I read I told Brylie she could fall asleep in my bed and as I cuddled up with her I thought long and hard.
Brylie is so incredibly special to so many people.  She truly has a heart of gold and wants everyone to be happy.  I think she was sent to our family for a special purpose and she has brought so much joy and love into our home.  I also thought that she still has a whole school year and even if she has to go to a special class nothing will ever change my special little girl because she does Dream Big.  She teaches me each and every day that it doesn't matter what others think of you because at home is where the only people who matter are.  They are there for you rain, shine, pretty, homely, on a bad day and on good days.  Believing in your self is the best medicine for anything.  So I am going to help Brylie as much as she needs but in the end realize that no matter what it will be ok.  She will go where she is destined to go.

Brylie I love you so so much.  You came into our lives and have changed it for the better every single day.  You make me want to be a more humble person.  You make me want to live a better life and treat everyone equal because that is what they deserve in life.  Thank you for all you teach me and for loving me unconditionally.  I love you to infinity and beyond.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welcome to our life!!!

Hi and welcome to our blog.  I must say this is like my hmm 3rd blog lol I just haven't found the time to keep up with the others however I really want to make this one work so here is to hoping!

I have always leaned on my husband for everything.  Most of wives do.  I have become so use to him being my protector and keeping me safe.  If I hear a bump in the night, have a bad dream, a bad day, receive bad news or really anything he is there to make me feel better and to protect me from being hurt or sad.  I have really never thought about the tables being turned and me having to protect him.  That is until our lives first changed a little over 2 months ago.  It was a Friday morning Shad was off work so he was able to sleep in.  I woke up at 6:45 went about my normal routine plugged in my hair straightener and went to let Khloe out to go potty.  When I got up the stairs and was patiently (ok more impatiently waiting, it was cold) I heard a loud scream.  I ran down stairs thinking something had happened to Brylie maybe she had fallen out of bed, had a bad dream or somehow hurt herself.  As I got down the stairs and glanced in our room I noticed Shad had his arm straight up in the air which I though was rather strange, I flicked on the light and that is when I saw a nightmare, Shad was in convulsions.  His eyes I will never forget they were rolling in the back of his head and he was gagging and turning a bluish color.  I called 911 and I was freaking out I couldn't stop shaking long enough to talk.  He had a seizure in his sleep and he started waking up before medics arrived at our home.  I tried everything I could to keep him lying down; because of the way his mouth looked (almost like it was paralyzed) we thought he had a stroke and 911 told me to keep him lying down.  I couldn't he was too strong and he got very combative.  I was scared to say the least when the police arrived and soon after the medics and they told me it did in fact look like he had suffered from a stroke.  I somehow managed to call my brother to come get Brylie so I could go in the ambulance with Shad.  I can't even describe how I felt going to the hospital.  Luckily when they ran all of his test it came back that he had just suffered from a seizure and when it happened he knocked his jaw out of place.  They popped it back in and quickly told us there was no signs of anything major; tumor, blood on the brain or a stroke.  Some people have one seizure in their lives and never have another again.  Relief flooded over me.  To tell the truth when he first went into his seizure I was scared I was losing him.  It took him a while to fully come to and his memory was very foggy.  I didn't sleep much that weekend all I could do is watch him sleep and pray it didn't happen again.  Real relief finally came when we saw the Neurologist and he told us everything looked fine and he probably wouldn't ever have another.  I finally felt able to sleep and not worry anymore.
Then it struck again.  My sister in law Michelle and I walk every other morning.  We had to skip our Wednesday walk but decided we would go on Thursday.  Thursday morning Michelle text me and said her foot hurt and she wasn't going to go.  I got back in bed thankful I could sleep another 2 hours.  Just when I started to drift I heard a scream that changed my life.  My eyes flew open and this time I knew what it meant.  Shad was having another seizure.  I remained calmer this time around.  I quickly called Shads mom and dad to come over because I can't control him.  I turned him onto his left side like they tell you to do and let him have his seizure.  I ended up having to call 911 because I couldn't control him when he started waking up and he tried leaving the house YIKES!  They came and because he was seeing people who weren't here we decided to take him to the hospital.  They diagnosed him with Epilepsy.  Now my life is forever changed.
As I have thought so much about this all week so many things have came to mind.  I don't know about you but I believe everything happens for a reason.  Although we don't see the positive that things bring I think there are positives that come out of every situation.  I have seen that I need to be strong for my husband and that I need to trust in myself that I do know how to control the situation and it will all be ok.  We will welcome this new thing in our lives because frankly we don't have any other choice.  However it does bring us closer and it makes our love a little stronger.  This is just another hill on our crazy roller coaster ride!